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JAMB Cut-Off Mark for Civil Law 2024/2025

Securing admission to study civil law in Nigeria is a dream for many aspiring law students. However, the journey to achieving this goal is not without its challenges, with one crucial aspect being the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) cut-off marks.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into everything you need to know about JAMB cut-off marks for civil law in the 2024/2025 academic session.

What is Civil Law?

Civil law encompasses the legal system governing relations between individuals and entities in society, covering various branches such as contract law, tort law, family law, and more. It’s a prestigious course offered by select universities in Nigeria, including the University of Lagos, University of Ibadan, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and the National Open University of Nigeria.

JAMB Cut-Off Mark for Civil Law 2024/2025:

For the 2024/2025 academic session, the general JAMB cut-off mark for civil law is set at 160. However, achieving this score doesn’t guarantee admission, as each university has its departmental and post UTME cut-off marks, which are usually higher due to the course’s competitiveness.

Departmental and Post UTME Cut-Off Marks:

The departmental cut-off mark for civil law varies across universities and depends on factors like the number of applicants and available spaces. Additionally, post UTME cut-off marks are determined based on the aggregate of UTME and O’level scores. Aspiring civil law students should check their preferred university’s official website for specific cut-off marks.

Universities Offering Civil Law in Nigeria:

Only two universities in Nigeria offer civil law as a course: Gregory University and Olabisi Onabanjo University. While both universities maintain high standards, they’re also highly competitive, necessitating diligent preparation and high scores for admission.

Tips for Scoring High in JAMB UTME for Civil Law:

1. Start preparation early and study consistently.
2. Review JAMB syllabus and past questions for civil law and relevant subjects.
3. Utilize quality study materials and resources, including textbooks and online courses.
4. Practice numerous questions and mock tests under exam conditions.
5. Manage time effectively during the exam and stay positive throughout the process.


Studying civil law opens doors to lucrative career opportunities in the legal profession and related fields. However, gaining admission requires meeting JAMB cut-off marks, departmental cut-off marks, and excelling in post UTME screenings. With diligent preparation and determination, aspiring civil law students can navigate the admissions process successfully.

This guide equips you with essential information to kickstart your journey towards studying civil law in Nigeria. Remember to stay updated with university-specific requirements and deadlines, and best of luck in your pursuit of a legal career!

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